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Outside Air

Outside Air is Charlie Glick (vocals, guitar, bass) and Kevin Farzad (drums, piano, studio). The LA-based duo spent their 20s recording & touring with their former band Sure Sure. Then the shockwaves of covid pulled the bandmates in different directions, and Charlie & Kevin found themselves lost.

Like many people who are lost, Kevin tried taking up rock climbing. Like so many others, Charlie applied to grad school for poetry. Charlie was living in Washington, burnt out after 13 grad school applications, ready to move to Syracuse to write + teach for 3 years when he was like wait, making music with Kevin sounds more fun. He called Kevin & said “let’s start a band." Kevin said “oh god.” Charlie promptly returned to LA, and Outside Air was born.

The debut album, Forever, is due fall 2024. I could describe the sound to you. I could throw around words like "intimate" and "piano" and "major III chord" and "I cried,” but I’m not here to waste your time. You'll just have to hear it for yourself. 

$19 adv / $23 at the door

October 27

Olivia Kaplan Afterlife Residency               w/ special guests Rose Droll and Meerna

November 7

Philip Krohnengold & Friends First Thursday Residency